Stock Dividends Explained

What is a stock dividend?

A stock dividend is the payment a trader receives from the company he/she is currently investing in.

The company pays the dividend from the profit it generates throughout its financial year. As a result, if the company fails to make a profit, dividends are not likely to be received by the investor.

The dividend is normally paid in two parts, an interim and a final dividend. This means if an investor has shares in a company for a year, they will normally get paid two lump sums a year (almost always in the form of cash).

To receive a dividend you must own the stock before the ex-dividend date. The dividend gets paid to the investor on the payment date set by each individual company, these dates can be found on a company’s investor relations section of their official website.

Dividend Example

– if you own 200 shares in a company and they cost $10 each ($2,000 total) before the ex-dividend date
– and the company issues a dividend of $0.10
– you will be entitled to a payment of $20! (($2000/$10)x$0.10)

By owning a stock before the ex-dividend date you will be entitled to the dividend regardless of whether you have owned the stock for 10 years, 10 months or 10 days!!

Note: Dividends are such a a good bonus that there are traders who only buy stock before the ex-dividend date and make their money on dividends rather than capital gains.

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Dividend yield

The dividend yield (when referring to common shares) is the most recent full-year dividend / current share price. The figure is expressed as a percentage and indicates to traders the dividend they are likely to receive from trading a stock.

An easier way of looking at it is

– The share price of a company is $10
– The company offers a dividend of $0.30
– Therefore the dividend yield is 3%
– Meaning if an investor owned 1000 shares (worth $10,000) they would be entitled to a $300 payout!


If you are looking to receive a form of income other than capital gains (i.e. dividends) then the dividend yield figure will help you pick out the companies paying the highest dividend. A simple search on a stock market practice account site will enable you to filter out the stocks with the highest dividend yield. lists the ex-dividend date of each stock, you then can save a list of high yielding stocks with their ex-dividend date and trade each stock just before the ex-dividend date arrives! Unless the stock drops considerably then this is a very easy way of making money!

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3 Responses to stock dividends explained

  1. ANDREW DERAMO says:

    I am new to all this. I can see where the ex-div rate is important to know.

  2. Josh says:

    What is the incentive for companies to offer dividends?

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